27 November 2007
Thanks Ali :)
"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbled or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena; whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, and comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; who does actually try to do the deed; who knows the great enthusiasm, the great devotion and spends himself in a worthy cause; who, at worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.
Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs even though checkered by failure, than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy nor suffer much because they live in the gray twilight that knows neither victory nor defeat." ~Theodore Roosevelt
20 November 2007
the resilency-gene
her name was so-ping "sophie" wong. i know she was a resilent woman, a trait so promenently expressed through my father ... a trait i proudly possess. she wanted to be a nurse, but met my grandfather and then had my dad. my grandfather died in 1964. she was a strong woman: she immigrated to america, raised 2 other children, and became a beautician all on her own. she was a modest woman who lived for her family and faith.
2 of my cousins spoke at her funeral. for a short period i was jealous. they knew her. she did their hair growing up and getting ready for dances and formals ... she talked to them about their lives and cared for them afterschool like any other grandparent would ... she made them her chicken specialty to take with them to school. my brothers and i, werent so lucky.
despite my complicated family geneology, i am proud to say that even though i didnt know her, i am a product of her values. perphaps there is some wong-family gene for resilency, for it's fueled my life and helped me succeed thus far. speaking of genes, my dad looks a lot like her.
16 November 2007
Mirror Mirror in the wall ...
i came to the horrible conclusion last night ... i surely dont hate the way i look nor do i hate who i am or who i've become ... i hate WHERE i am.
where i am, is miles from where i want to be. eons far from PT school, establishing myself in this world. as in one of my recent posts, i dont even have time to keep my room/apt clean, catch up with my friends, cook for myself, be the uber nerd i am at heart. i want to be able to handle it all, but it's all barreling out of control. i want to say that i aced my classes while working AND getting into PT school! yes, i am out to prove a point. but i guess i just want to ensure that my life has purpose. i feel that my purpose is to help heal. and i have chosen it through PT. sometimes im not sure if PT wants me though.
discourgagement, frustration, self-doubt hits. laughter helps. i think i get that from my grandpas ... they laughed a lot when they were alive. im dorky b/c of my mom.
i know i can do this. but sometimes, these other unplanned obstacles are the ones that trip me up.
suck it up! i can do this. cardiac physiology, you're so gonna get owned on tuesday! i AM hardcore. i will succeed because failure is not an option.
13 November 2007
i didnt think that my grandmother's passing would affect me this way. after all, i had not seen her since i was like 8 ... or 10 even. i think the tragic part of it all was that i never knew her nor did i get to say goodbye. sometimes i think my dad's story would make such a great book. his stories about how family members immigrated over and how difficult it was during WWII or the veitnam war. i think that's why i love history ... i get that from my dad.
on a different note, shortly after my grandmother's passing, my family and i had a long overdue pow-wow about issues that have been looming for over a year now. probably one of the most difficult moments ive had to emotionally endure in a long time. it's funny how a death in the family can bring a family closer and ironic to see first hand how history could actually repeat itself if action isnt taken.
i think the effects of this wong-family-pow-wow has not worn off yet and attributing to my insomnia. yuck! i remember when i lied to or hurt my parents for some selfish reason or another .... my dad acted like his heart was broken. i didnt think that a family member could break your heart. but that rainy saturday afternoon in san francisco, i felt it crack. my heart yearned for him ... give him understanding, perspective, peace of mind, and acceptance. i am blessed to have endured all that i have gone through to be able to think this way (it was extremely hard at the time of course!). but insight is so crucial.
in the words of bens folds five, "she a brick and [he's] drowning slowly ... off the coast and [he's] going nowhere."
family. it's like your brain cells - you only get one set for life, cherish them. you love family no matter what. they are truly there when all the dust has settled. family is love in it's purest and yet communal form. happy families exist. but happy families also go through rough times. never disown your family for something so illusive! it does not - in no shape, way or form - take away from the love we have for each other.
i wonder if i'll be able to sleep through the night tonite....
09 November 2007
It Won't Be Soon Before Long
great seats! RIGHT in the center, 1 section up from the floor. i think my favorite things about concerts these days are the light displays ... i'll post pics in a bit ... and the encores, there's always something really cool about the artist. like adam lavinge rifting like an og rockstar or him blaring away on the snare drums with his drummer. or even back when i saw john mayer, his acoustic version of "slow dancing in a burning room."
... it wont be soon before long ....
- until another test, another application
- errands to do, bills to pay
- i get to share the holidays with my family
- seeing my most cherished friends
does anyone have a friend or family member that you dont really know, but feel obligated toward? {in respect to my family i have to keep the circumstances private}
i consider myself a compassionate person, easily putting others above her own needs. but this time, i only feel an obligation since part of my blood is from them. through no fault of my own. but i question if i am suppose to feel ... something ... besides empathy. realistically, there is no connection due to their choice that has rippled itself to me and my siblings. however, if i were in their position, family or not, i would hope they extend the same care for me. and so, i will do what i can - pray and hope for the best - leaving the rest up to God.
...it wont' be soon before long ....
that our time on earth is done too. the question is, did you live passionately ... full of love for family, life, others? did you make it worthwhile to validate your existence? someone asked me last year, "what is the meaning of life?" i answered, "to live and learn to every extend possible." my lovely med school pal, nikki, once told me when i was down, "it's not over until you're dead." until then, keep kicking, swimming or fighting!
ps - officially and gladly jumping off the wagon this weekend :) [happy birthday timbo, shorty and jtsuno]
06 November 2007
thanksgiving is just around the corner. it's coming. it doesnt seem like it, but 2 weeks away! i cant wait to see my family. it's weird how lately both my mom's side and dad's side have been more tightly knit lately than ever. call it, the asian lack of communication gene. but especially since my immediate family is so scattered it's imperative that we do so. come to think of it, even with my 2nd family (my girls!) we've been doing so for awhile now, but lately i've come to cherish our plans made because we rarely see each other now.
ahhh, growing up......
my life since september has been pure chaos. i would love a routine ... even just for a month. im trying to get my life in order since it's a daily juggling act and not fall behind. i feel like i have to get it all done it one day: work, homework, study, clean, cook, workout, prepare a portion of an application..... and it starts all over again each day. i think realistically, ive sacrificed the cooking or cleaning or working out or applications - but getting 3-4 things of the daily list done is still exhausting. i hope i dont get sick, esp since there's a bug in the air & the weather's changing finally.
last nite i had a dream and there was this symbol that appeared. im a believer that dreams mean something. this symbol is a person i knew, but not really too extensively. in any rate, i've come to the conclusion that everytime i start to get serious with someone and that person appears in a dream - it's gonna be a big relationship. the odd thing is, my symbol appeared 2x in the past month. that's rare. i wonder what that means.
cant wait to let loose this weekend in norcal *^_^*