26 December 2007

it's simple really

Put your heart, mind, intellect and soul even to your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. -- Swami Sivananda
yay for the realsimple.com thought of the day on my igoogle page.

i liked that one, especially because i know a very successful person who does that in every aspect of their life. i'd love to emulate that ... yup, uploaded onto my 'ways to improve' list.

christmas was a blur, but im glad to be apart of bringing joy to family =)

onto new year's .... resolutions? hmm, none of them i never really keep .. in any rate, i always strive for self-improvement/balance ... making it better than the last.

hopes for '08: a great future and happiness. that's all i can ask for really.

so i will keep chugging along.

focus .... breathe ... focus.