02 January 2008

just embrace it

Happy new year!
as one of my favorite people said to me as we made our early morning walk in the city to the bart-station new year's morning, ' '07 was heaven but i'm gonna be great in '08.'

"just embrace it..." catch phrase of my weekend :P
it's a great mantra for sh** that just happens or temporarily justifying the unexplainable. just accept it and move forward. lately ive been thinking more emotionally efficient than normal. it feels great because im less inclined to get stuck in a moment and keeps me moving.

in any rate, another helpful and appliciable realsimple.com thought of the day:
We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us. -- Joseph Campbell
like in one of my favorite movies in '07 "knocked up": "life doesnt care about your plans. it happens anyway." so theoretically, the plans that i could make for myself are always technically thrown out the window. but mind you, that doesnt mean stop making goals. the things you want in your life wont magically, i think, it's more along the lines of: your life wont happen the way you envision it. the easier it is for you to let go of your previous vision, i think the easier you can actually live your life =)

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